Friday, June 3, 2016

#FringeFanFriday: @Jjjhiggins85

Hello Fringe Family,

It's time for another #FringeFanFriday! 

Congrats to @Jjjhiggins85 for being selected to participate in this weeks edition.

You can read her interview below....

1. What country are you from?

Canada (East Coast)

 2. In what year did you discover Fringe and what led you to watch it?

2012 was the first time I watched Fringe.  My husband watched the show and kept telling me how much I would love it, but since I hadn't watched from the beginning I never tuned in.  Then we got Season 1 on DVD and we watched it together.  Needless to say I was HOOKED!!  I binged watched the rest of the series so that I could catch the final season as it aired on Television.

3. What are your top 3 favorite episodes?

I am a huge Peter fan, so my top 3 episodes are "Northwest Passage",

"Welcome to Westfield",

And, "6B".

4. What is one of your favorite moments of the entire series?

It's a scene in Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) when Peter comes out of animation and back to reality in the Lab.  The scene is done so well and his reaction is incredibly believable (when he feels he is about to be hit by the truck) that I have to rewind it and watch it again a second time. But there are so many other moments that are right up there with it.

5. Which character do you most identify with and why?

I feel like I have a bit of each one of them in me, but I think I would identify most with Astrid as I love to help people and I am the type of person that people depend on.  The only difference is that I'm more the leader like Olivia or Peter than Astrid would be.

6. If you could change anything about the finale, what would it be?

I think I would've liked to have seen Peter find out exactly what the White Tulip meant. I know he would find the Video from Walter, but I don't think he quite understood the significance of what Walter sent him in the mail.

7. If you could own any object or prop from the show what would it be?

It might sound silly, but it would either be the Faraday cage that Peter wore in S4 or Peter's MIT shirt.

8. If you could meet your Doppelganger what would you be most eager to learn about them? 

I would like to know if they have the same friends that I do. I have one friend who I've known since I was 5 yrs old.

9. Have you ever met any of the cast members and if so, what was your encounter like? 

Unfortunately I have never met any of the cast.  The closest I ever got was John Noble Liking and Retweeting a couple of my Tweets and Josh answering one of my questions in a Live Facebook Q&A.

 10. Thank you for taking the time to be apart of our #FringeFanFriday, Is there anything you would like to add about your overall Fringe experience?

Please be respectful of @Jjjhiggins85's personal photo.
I still consider Fringe to be one of the best television shows I have ever watched and I continue to watch the DVDs over and over again.  I don't think I would ever get tired of watching it.  It's an amazing show and the writing was incredible.  And thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this great show.

Thank you so much, Jjjhiggins85! You can follow her on Twitter: @Jjjhiggins85

We believe that the Fringe Fandom is a very special community of people that we hope to unite through our #FringeFanFriday participants.

We will feature another fan next Friday!

Have a wonderful weekend and keep looking up!

OTFA Team Member,

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