Hello Fringe Family,
It's time for another #FringeFanFriday!
Congrats to @fringeobsessed1 for being selected to participate in this weeks edition.
You can read her interview below....
1. What country are you from?
2. In what year did you discover Fringe and what led you to watch it?
I watched Fringe from the date the pilot episode aired in the US, I believe it was September 09, 2008 or around then, and I was hooked from the very first episode!
3. What is your top 3 favorite episodes?
Wow! Hard to narrow my favorites down to 3, Hmm....
I would say “The Transformation” because I love everything about that episode.
“Bad Dreams,” because that episode inspired me to begin writing Fringe fan fiction and posting it at fanfiction.net.
And maybe all the episodes in Season 2.
I loved the show UNTIL they introduced Fauxlivia in a very Desperate Housewives kind of way. I didn’t like that part of the series at all.
4. What is one of your favorite moments of the the entire series?
There are several. I think there are two Peter/Liv moments that make the season for me: 1) When Peter gets Olivia out of the tank the first time and holds her-despite his reckless lifestyle, you know then that he’s smitten.
And: 2) That moment in "6B" when Liv returns to see Peter with the wine and they go upstairs. A real squee moment well earned for the Polivia shippers.
5. Which character do you most identify with and why?
There are several Olivia moments where she’s incredibly frustrated, like when she’s in the bathroom in the alt verse and realizes she can’t get back home. I can relate to that level of frustration and that need to cry it out.
6. If you could change anything about the finale, what would it be?
I thought the finale was good the way it was.
7. If you could own any object or prop from the show what would it be?
The deprivation tank would be pretty freaking awesome to have. I’m envious that Ari Margolis, the FOX media man extraordinaire who did all the Fringe promos, got to sit in it on the set for pictures!
8. If you could meet your Doppelganger what would you be most eager to learn about them?
Did they get to meet the love of their life? And have they been happy?
9. Have you ever met any of the cast members and if so, what was your encounter like?
Not in person. I started writing for the fringetelevision. com blog as ‘fringeobsessed’ in 2009 I think, and through that blog I got invited to participate in several FOX media calls with the writers from other news outlets like TV Guide, Io9, GiveMeMyRemote, and others.
I really LOVED interviewing Jeff Pinkner & Joel Wyman, the two executive producers. I got to know them well and we know each other by name. It was quite an honor to hear their reactions to the, "Where Is Peter Bishop" fan-vid dozens of us fans put together in the August between Seasons 3 and 4. You can view it on Youtube below.....
This fan-vid made it to the FOX administrators who, I am told called Pinkner & Wyman into a meeting and showed it to them and they were crying. Basically it was the first time a TV fandom had demanded a continuation of their series via a fan-vid that was directly emailed to the network, and Joel Wyman thinks the video alone got Fringe a last season. Pinkner & Wyman asked me live during a FOX media call if I had contributed to that video and I said yes. They asked me which one was my contribution and I was absolutely STUNNED that they wanted to know!
By the way, in the last several seconds of the video there’s a picture of a newsstand called ‘Out Of Town News,’ which is the newsstand they modeled one after in Season 1, the episode in which in the beginning the newsman’s orifices close up and he dies. The Out Of Town Newsstand exists at Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass. near where Walter’s lab is supposed to be. It was really fun to go there on site and put the "Where Is Peter Bishop" signs up for photos.
I got to ask John Noble questions during a FOX media call, but I didn’t get to talk with him live.Writing for the fringetelevision.com blog site has been a real honor for me. I’m proud of everything that I and the rest of the crew there have written over the years about the show. I am especially proud of the Summer Re-watch series that my talented friends and I wrote starting here:http://www.fringetelevision.com/2011/07/ In which we reviewed EVERY EPISODE from the pilot through the last episode of Season 3, all done in the summer hiatus of 2011.fringe-summer-rewatch-101- pilot.html
I have also written dozens of Fringe fanfics from ‘Bad Dreams’ on and I enjoy the feedback that people give me regarding them. You can find my stories here:https://www.fanfiction.net/u/978823/wjobsessed . Please write a review if you like them. Also, if you scroll back far enough in the fringetelevision.com pages you’ll probably find a recording of one of my live interviews with Jeff Pinker and Joel Wyman. They are amazing showrunners who love their fans.
10. Thank you for taking the time to be apart of our #FringeFanFriday, Is there anything you would like to add about your overall Fringe experience?
There’s more to the Violet Sedan Chair story than meets the eye. Look up my account at fringetelevision.com. I don’t think that story is over! Also, I don’t think some fans realize how much Fringe was loved while it aired, and how many people around the world made friends through the Fringe fandom. I still have 200+ fans as my friends on Facebook to this day.
Near the end of the series a Fringe fan named Aimee Long, a good friend of mine, developed the group Fringenuity which became a recognized social media think tank. She organized trips to the set in Vancouver, and humanitarian efforts in the name of the show. She was a real pioneer in creating a bridge from fan to fan humanitarian. Sadly she died 2 years ago and in honor of her, Joel Wyman named a character ‘Aimee’ in his post Fringe series, "Almost Human".
Also, David Wu is a real guy, a Fringe fan who decided to make musical tributes to each episode and he named his effort The Fringemunks. The executive producers adored his work and named the guy on the utility pole in the episode ‘The Man From The Other Side,’ David Wu, in his honor.
Thank you so much, FringeObsessed1! You can follow her on Twitter: @fringeobsessed1
We believe that the Fringe Fandom is a very special community of people that we hope to unite through our #FringeFanFriday participants.
We will feature another fan next Friday!
Have a wonderful weekend and keep looking up!
OTFA Team Member,
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