Friday, May 20, 2016

#FringeFanFriday: @VittoriaBishop

Hello Fringe Family!

Last Friday we sent out a tweet for our new #FringeFanFriday series and asked that you retweet our message for a chance to be apart of the fun!

We then randomly chose a person out of all the people that participated and Fringe fan, Vittoria Bishop was chosen!

You can read her special interview below.....

1. What country are you from?
Italy, a small town near the wonderful Venice.

2. In what year did you discover Fringe and what led you to watch it?

In 2009 on a small local TV station, where I fell in love with it and then I downloaded all of the original series from Torrent and watched it with subs.

3. What is your top 3 favorite episodes?

"The Pilot", it literally captured my mind.  

"Lysergic Acid Diethylamide",  I love the way the Fringe team does whatever it takes to recover Olivia from inside her mind.  I also think of that episode as a tribute to the beautiful movie, "Inception".

"A Short Story About Love",  Because we finally get to see Olivia and Peter together again.

4. What is one of your favorite moments of the entire series?

When Peter discovers that he is from the Alt-Universe....WOW! I love the depth of drama that it brought to the show. 

5. Which character do you most identify with and why?

Between Olivia and AltOlivia, to say it with color:  Blue + White = Light blue. :) 

6. If you could change anything about the finale, what would it be?

Oh, if I could I would eliminate the entire 5th season, but I respectfully accepted the decision of the creators.

7. If you could own any object or prop from the show what would it be?

The Cortexiphan!!!! :)

8. If you could meet your Doppelganger what would you be most eager to learn about them?

If they are more calm and patient.

9. Have you ever met any of the cast members and if so, what was your encounter like?

I have never met any of them, although Anna Torv was in Orvieto in 2008 (but it is far from Venice).

10. Thank you for taking the time to be apart of our #FringeFanFriday, Is there anything you would like to add about your overall Fringe experience?

I can say that there is no TV series that I will miss as much as Fringe. I'm proud to be a small part of it with your #FringeFanFriday, and am thankful for all the people that helped come up with this fantastic idea.

Bonus Question: Do you own any Fringe merchandise?

I own a copy of the fabulous, "September's Notebook"  by T.Bennett and P.Terry.

Thank you so much, Vittoria! You can follow her on Twitter: @VittoriaBishop

We believe that the Fringe Fandom is a very special community of people that we hope to unite through our #FringeFanFriday participants! 

We will choose another fan for next Friday from those of you that retweet this post! 

Have a wonderful weekend and keep looking up!

OTFA Team Member,

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